
Financial Planning V’s Financial Advice


It is often said that “Life is a journey”. Financial planning is the process of helping you to meet your lifetime financial objectives. Ensuring that throughout your journey, you are able to meet all planned, and unplanned expenditure, whilst also making sure that you enjoy your retirement, and provide for your family before and after that journey ends.

We believe that there is a huge difference between Financial Planning and Financial Advice. Traditional financial advice forms an important part of the planning process, but it tends to focus on specific and individual events, whereas financial planning is a more holistic, whole of life service which is designed to ease all of your lifetime financial worries and ensure that achieve your life’s goals.


Needs an infographic – something like this

Source: Sun Life Financial

Of course, we also know that not everyone’s needs are quite this complicated, perhaps your only current issue can be solved with some relatively simple advice, and so we will ALWAYS tailor our service to suit your immediate, and future needs. Please rest assured though, that where we see things which we believe you need to be aware of, we will point these out to you and ensure that you understand the implications of them.


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Stonebridge Financial Management Ltd, Company number 06583576, registered at Oak House, Castletown, Farndon, Cheshire, CH3 6PF, is an appointed representative of pi financial ltd, Company Number 3556277.   pi financial ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Stonebridge Financial Management FCA Number 506586.


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